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My Impressions of being the Speaker

1st impression of being the speaker when i was grade 2 in Primary School, my teacher told me to make a poem about teacher and read my poem in front of the class in loud voice. I felt embarrassed and scared cause all of my friends seeing me. At the first, i felt like i couldn't speak. But if you speak in front of audiences and you feel it, it gonna be the best performance. I swore, i would die if i didn't feel my poem. At the end, i could show off my best effort. All of my friends are clapping their hands. And that was my first experience being speaker.
2nd impression of being the speaker when i was grade 4 in Primary School, i always join an story telling competition. And, you must be speak in English. I swore, i gave up. But my teacher motivated me, she said "heyy, show them who you are, it's okay if you lose, because you're still the best story teller in this school, fighting!" Since that time, i would believe myselft that i'm the best, so i tried really hard, then when the day is come, i feel it my story. It felt like you're telling a story for yourself, and it felt like nobody's watched you. Since that time, i'm improving my confidence of speaking in front of the audiences.
3rd impression of being the speaker when i was grade 6 in Primary School. I always being the story teller on bible. It was harder than story telling or reading poem. You must have a big confidence for facing so many people in church. My heart was beat so fast. And you know, i'm not good enough for being the story teller of the bible. I tried my best to face so many people in church. One day, i made a mistake, i was wrong singing a note from letter or what paper, i forgot. YAS, IT WAS MY FAULT. I felt shame. And i thought it was the most embarrassing experience for being the story teller of the bible. Without that experience, maybe my life was so flat and wouldn't have a challenge for being the story teller of bible (we called it lector/lectris). Untill now, i still being the lectris in school, but rarely in church.
4th impression of being the speaker when i was grade 8 in Junior High School. I got a job to be a Master of Ceremonies (we called it MC) in Christmas event. It was my big chance to reach my goal in future. So i practiced being MC in school, you must have a really gentle voice, and you could make all audience not boring with the event. So you must be good in stringing words, or we called it improvisation. Not only in grade 8, actually when i was grade 6, i being MC in RT/RW event and in the church. Maybe it was small event, but i could practice from now for being the public speaker in future.
5th impression of being the speaker when i was grade 9 in Junior High School. I being MC in formal event and non-formal event like "Pagelaran Music" and "Lustrum SMP Mater Dei" my teacher gave me a big responsibility to bring a event 'til the end. So i practiced harder because that was my greatest chance to be public speaker in future. When we're (me and my friends) practicing being MC, our teacher gave us comments and suggestions. When the day is comes, we felt easier being MC than before (when we're still practicing being MC). My teacher told me "if you make a mistake, dont show it, just continue and bring this event 'til the end." I always remember what my teacher said, and i always remember all those my experiences being public speaker. I hope, i could be a great public speaker in future, amen!

Here some photos of me being MC!

When i being MC in Pagelaran Music with my partner

When i being MC in Lsutrum SMP Mater Dei *that costume was perfect with me* lol :v
When i being MC in Christmas event with fellow

YAS i just have those photos when i was being MC. Other photos is gone -_-
Thank you for reading my experiences! Stay tuned :)


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